Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Isn't that special

It is interesting being the parent of a special needs child.  Especially one that does not appear to have any special needs appearance or speech wise.  I can never have a conversation with another parent of typical children without the differences slapping me in the face.  Every time.

I hear a lot of  "My kid would never do that to me or XYZ consequence."   Well, trying having a child with high anxiety and anger issues. Sometimes letting punch the wall really is the best course of action.

I would love to be able to scream at my child and have a death grip on any part of their body to get them to realize they had better stop whatever they are doing.

It doesn't work that way in my world.

It has taken me a long time to be ok with our lives are different.  My kid is EXTREMELY anti social. She has no friends and does not want to interact with anyone outside of her inner circle. Ever.  It is painful for her and she shuts down.

And as such, we live a quiet life.

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